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Monday, September 7, 2015

The Feminine Principle

At 238,300 miles away
what is it the moon represents; intuition, emotions, inner life, the female principle, the yin energy, initiation into the mystery systems?  Just what is her celestial purpose as she changes her appearance in the night sky effecting our moods, behavior and emotions. Numerous mysteries have always surrounded  the moon.                                                                                                                                              
 At 180 degrees the moon will be in opposition to the sun birthing a “full moon.” Legends from man’s earliest   times veil the moon in superstition and fear. On the opposite end of the spectrum she has been venerated, revered, and honored by the Dogon of Mali. In West Africa  the Yoruba in Nigeria associate the moon with the deity Yemoja spirit of the ocean with many attributes, one being the ebb and flow of the ocean due to the  moon’s influence.  She is also associated with the feminine mysteries.  
Numerous cultures around the equator acknowledge this celestial body as a benevolent as force well; despite her distance of over 238,300 miles away from us.  These moon goddess worshiping cultures include the Caelestis of the ancient Carthaginians of North Africa, the Suk and Pokot of Kenya and Uganda in East Africa.  In ancient Iran the Elamites acknowledges the moon in their scriptures as “the moon god Napir”.  The Fon of Benin acknowledged Mawu or Gieti as a deity associated with the moon.
 In 2500 BC during the new kingdom in ancient Kemit known as Egypt  the moon deity of the time was referred to as Khonsu the wanderer a revered deity.  These early astrologers/ astronomers predated Western civilization.  By observing the night sky they recognized the moon had eight phases it cycled through within 28 and a half days similar to a woman’s menstrual cycle.

At 238,300 miles away with a diameter of 2,155 miles and mass of 8.09x 10 19 tons it isn’t  difficult to locate in our night sky as she rotates on her axis every 27.2 days and orbits our planet every 27.3 days; measuring 12 degrees; 55 minutes.  This lunar body traverses the celestial sky transiting through numerous star constellations of the zodiac contributing her influences intensifying that particular zodiac’s energy pattern every two and a half days. Was it any wonder the ancient Kemites referred to this celestial body as Khonsu the wanderer that blessed the heavens.  The moon’s subtle influences intertwining with those energy patterns of the zodiac make for an interesting out come; for instance her influence during a full moon on fire signs tends to intensify urges, needs and restlessness.  While in air signs the focus is concentrated on conscious awareness and the intellect.  Her effect on earth signs intensified their tendency to focus more on practicality and applying usefulness in a meaningful way to their daily lives.  In water signs feelings, emotions and creativity tend to be somewhat expanded.  Like the rising tides of the ocean an everlasting ebb and flow the moon’s energy is effecting us regardless of our beliefs.  Those subtle influences are reflected in our moods and behavior; considering our physiological make up is  at least 90 percent fluids.  The moon is responsible for the ebb and flow of the tides of the oceans of the world.   Can you imagine what it would be like to have more than one moon orbiting our little piece of the solar system?  Mars has 2 moons, Jupiter has over 16, Saturn 19, Uranus 15, and Neptune the planet of dreams, inspiration and illusions has 8, all of which makes their orbits and transits according to their cycles.
To the contrary of our most basic beliefs there is no denying of the presence of celestial influences throughout our solar system; we are the third planet from the Sun, and first planet from the moon, and how does this celestial body influence our emotions according to our individual zodiac?   The astrological sign that the moon resides in the moment we enter this material word  determines the way we respond  to events, people and circumstances, and emotion.  While the astrological sign that occupies the house determines the area of life in which we respond the most instinctively.  Man, mineral, plant, bodies of water; the moon has her undeniable affect over it.  In West Africa our ancestors the Fon people of Togo knew when to plant seeds in the earth by considering the moon phases, the ancient Yoruba of Nigeria knew when to perform certain initiations according to the phases of the moon.  Those seafaring ancestors in Mali knew the strength of the tides varied greatly with the lunar phases.
 Its effect on the mineral world is very in depth . The moon stone for instance with its pale yellow appearance possesses numerous metaphysical properties; tending to grow stronger or weaker as the moon waxes or wanes.  As a symbol of hope it was carried by seafarers for protection.
In regards to medicinal purposed it was said to reduce fevers.
 In India the stone was considered sacred for lovers.  Possessing feminine energies, and characteristics it was also used to aid with menstruation and child bearing.  It also maintained emotional balance, and was beneficial in dream interpretation, all these things were in connection to the moon.  Our emotional well being depends on how well we acknowledge our feelings, needs and gut instincts.  Some of our biggest mistakes come from ignoring or over riding these natural responses to external and internal stimuli.  When certain needs are not met, or feelings not properly expressed we tend to compensate for them in destructive ways, or have unresolved issues in various areas of our life.  Simply put the moon’s gravitational pull on the tides also affect the water in the human body affecting the emotions, metabolic rate and other physical functions.  Laboratory test reveal that many changes take place during moon phases which cause brain waves and electrical pulses to fluctuate.
The moon transits faster than any other celestial body compared to the inner and outer planets; hence the word month is derived from the word moon.  These transits are extremely valuable when they are understood.  The moon symbolizes habits and the subconscious.  Many things lay deep within the subconscious, some believe remnants from past lives may dwell there.  Here the moon’s nodes may be explored.  These are points formed by the moon’s orbit around the earth as it intersects the earth’s orbit around the sun.  The north node is referred to as the dragon’s head while the south node is referred to as the dragon’s tail.  The head of the dragon points toward evolution, and expansion, while the tail indicates abilities and talents from past lives. They are always opposite; forming the nodal axis. 
 Life can be like a tight rope or as easy as walking across the street when these energies are balanced.  The sign the nodes represent is the shift that must take place for our future, embracing the essence of the north node is to evolve spiritually.   When the moon is in your moon sign you should be more sensitive “feelings flow more freely at that point. 
Collectively the moon has influenced major events as well.  She has  influenced the  humane realm of behavior dramatically  in regards to historical events please note the following.

  On Wednesday January 16, 1991 while the moon was in Aries ruled by Mars this marked the beginning of the gulf war. 
 563 BC The moon in Taurus ruled by Venus was inspirational for the birth of the compassionate  Buddha into the world.
    On April 11, 1968 while the moon was in Gemini ruled by the planet of communication and writing the Civil Rights Act became law.  
  On August 28th 1963 while the moon was in Cancer, Dr. Martin Luther Kings’ I had a dream speech rocked the nation with emotion and compassion.
  On May 10th, 1994 with the moon again in Cancer Nelson Mandela was inaugurated in office in South Africa.
  On Tues the day of Mars February 19th, 1945 while the moon was in Leo US forces landed on Iwo  Jima.
  In 1932 while the moon was in Virgo archaeologist worked relentless in North Africa to unearth the tomb of the pharaohs Tutankhamen.
   On Tues another Mars day with the moon in Scorpio in 1993 the first bombing of the world trade center shocked the nation, however on Sept 11, 2001 again on Tues a day of “Mars” the world was devastated by the catastrophic event taking place that day. 
  On Tues November the 13th of 2001 when the moon was in Sagittarius the Kabul fell to the Northern alliance.
   In 1841 while the moon was in Capricorn the Apache wars began.

   On November the 17th 1869 while the moon was in the sign of Aquarius in North Africa the Suez  Canal was formally opened.

   On Monday November 11th, 1863 President Lincoln gave his Gettysburg address while the moon  was in Pisces.

Let's ask the question; is it by coincidence that these things occur, or could there be some connection to this celestial body some 238,300 miles away from us orbiting our little piece of the solar system.  Why was man so intent on landing on this hunk of rock in the sixties?  Space exploration started with this celestial body so close to us with her phases intriguing us for centuries.  If we use her phases to our advantage as our ancient ancestors have our lives may become easier.

New moon  is conjunct 0 to 45 degrees ahead of the sun in which the ancients considered to be a period for the sowing of seeds, or an innovation period.
Waxing crescent moon    45 to 90 degrees ahead of the sun was considered a period of expansion.
First quarter 90 to 135 degrees was a time of action.
The Gibbous Phase 135 to 180 degrees, the ancients considered this to be a period to analyze and perfect.
The full moon the sun and moon are in opposition, 180 degrees of one another. Two distinctively different energies are contrast to one another making their influence felt in the manner of mood swings, increase of police activities, and breaks in reality for those suffering with mental challenges.  Ancient and indigenous African cultures sought this time for harvest, fulfillment and initiation.
Disseminating moon 135 to 90 degrees behind the sun was a period for communication to the immaterial and enlightenment.
Last quarter from 45 to 90 degrees behind the sun was considered a period for reorientation.
Balsamic or dark moon 0 to 45 degrees behind the sun was considered the period for release or closure.  Some cultures considered this phase the last of the eight incarnations.

Were the ancients as primitive as Western culture perceived them to be? How savage could they have been to have studied the movements of the celestial bodies that influenced their daily lives, and to pay homage to these attributes of the creator; erecting temples and shrines in honor of the god, and goddess force in the heavens millions of miles away.
Acknowledging and interacting with the feminine aspects of nature and of the heavens was considered a most sacred practice and approached with reverence and admiration.  Unfortunately Western culture's fast pace world allows  no time to marvel at the moon in her many facets of beauty; only when tragedy rears its ugly head do we stop and say “oh it must be a full moon.” 

Thanks for visiting Another reality for thought provoking articles and short stories.  

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