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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Universal law and writer's block

Universal law Dictates you don't have to believe in it and you don't have to like it....it is what it is. It applies to artists, skate boarders,doctors Buddhist Muslims, Christians everyone, no one is
exempt from  universal laws.  There's an old saying that goes you are what you eat.  Well for writers you write what you vibrate. What does your environment say about you, because it's a reflection of you.  The people you choose to be in your life, not the ones you can't, like family; your choices. Ask yourself are these individuals supportive of your writing endeavors, or are they complaining and ridiculing; like most non-creators do? These are the aspects that determine how you vibrate.  If you don't have the best perspective of yourself or your work no one else will.  Sometimes you have to write for you first.  When you begin this journey avoiding the frustrations that fall along your path. The universe is a willing component to aid you; it will reflect back to you exactly who you are in the form of people places and things even situations and circumstances. Did you ever notice when you feel bad hanging in that negative zone how negative people, situations, and circumstances just find their way to you; almost like a heat seeking missile. You could be at the park, the market, the movies,out in traffic some how the negative beasties find you.  Ironic...
It's extremely important to check ourselves, not physically but the emotion meter, because you attract what you feel.  So many times we're not aware of our own vibrations which emanate from our thoughts.  Thoughts are very powerful.  What you think of yourself is extremely important.  What you think of the work you create is the key to the success you'll attract.  Constantly doubting yourself or your work can be the demise of the creativity factory.  It's the main ingredient of writers block; a writer's greatest nemesis. Another writer's foe is negativity and  un-solicited  opinions accompanied by jealousies from well meaning friends and family accomplices to the nemesis writer's block. Remember everything is vibration.
To shield and protect the unborn ideas of future projects is to start with guarding your own feelings and thoughts.  When you feel bad you attract more of the same.  When you feel good you attract you attract just that.  You bring about what you think about, and what you talk about. Check it out the better you feel the better it gets. Yeah I know easier said than done in these times when stress, and frustration seem to rule.  It's only because we don't monitor what it is we focus on, or what our conversations are about, even down to what the media feeds us on a daily basis. most times it determines our vibration and frequency.  You have to start monitoring the info your being fed, because you bring about what you think about.  Long term negative feelings and thinking have quite a bit of history, in other words it's built up in momentum; like bad habits  along life's road.

These are the monsters that stalk creativity, and they have homies, road dogs, and partners in crime called fear, jealousy, envy, and hate a very dangerous element.  It totally shuts down the intuitive abilities with the creative instincts. And please by all means avoid the intellectually twisted who believe they have the market cornered  on all knowledge and information.  Your guidance should come from those who are sincere in offering their wisdom to you.  we all make mistakes along the road to greatness but we must find our way through quiet reflection. Find your zone of self satisfaction in other words find something that feels good to you and begin to make a habit of focusing on it. Practice staying in that zone even if its only five minutes a day.  Be cognizance of what you think about...what you focus on. Keep in mind words are very powerful whether you use them against yourself or for your advancement through positive affirmations.  Everything has a vibration it's universal law.  Remember that old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me" really? Defamation of character, slander, rumors, baring false wittiness; just words huh. Words have power, why not use them to empower yourself and your work.  
And last but not least... avoid burn out and learn the art of chillology it goes a long way.  

I hope you've enjoyed this article from 
Another reality.  Stay tuned for other thought provoking articles and short stories from Another reality                   

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