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Friday, October 2, 2015

The zodiac and our body’s physiology

Who would think that the sun would be so influential with the heaven’s constellations so very far from planet earth. The sun  plays such a vital role in distributing various types of energy activating vibrations that effect how we feel, relate to others and the world around us. Is it any wonder why the ancient Egyptians or Kemites venerated and paid homage to the sun god Amen-Ra.  Further more how is it that these constellations within the sun’s ecliptic not only affect our moods but our physiology as well.  We are but a microcosm of the macrocosm.
Every zodiac constellation dominates, and governs a particular part of our physiology; not only are these zodiac signs responsible for our mental, and spiritual depositions, including character but you will find a common denominator between the zodiac sign’s characteristics, and the body’s parts, and or systems including circulation, reproductive system, digestive system and so forth. This  metaphysical science was originally a part of Astronomy.  How it became separated... totally stupid is another discussion.
 Each zodiac constellation supports the next until it is a continuous circle of 360 degrees. 
The zodiac begins with
 Aries the ram which we know as the head of the zodiac so to say it represents the self this signs governs the physical head.
Taurus the bull supports Aries the head by governing the neck, and shoulders. No one stands in the way of a charging bull.
Gemini the twin; this sign of duality is the owner of the body that exist in pairs such as the lungs arms chest, supporting the previous sign’s domain.
Cancer ruled by the moon has dominion over the stomach, and breast; note the previous sign rules the chest of the male body.
Leo the lion; The heart is where courage lies hence the heart of a lion.  Leo also governs the small of the back, the part responsible for good posture back bone and courage are attributes of Leo.
Virgo the virgin; analytical and discerning Virgo has a propensity for detail.  With Virgo it is the pit of the stomach where feelings lie; is it any wonder that this constellation governs the bowels and intestines?
Libra the scales is about balance therefore the kidneys and liver is the focus here along with the veins that run through our entire body carrying our precious life force containing all that is needed for the entire body to function efficiently and effectively.
Scorpio’s still waters run deep with secrets and mysteries.  It is the reproductive organs that are governed by Scorpio.
Sagittarius the archer symbolized as a centaur half man half horse governs the thighs. The horse’s strength comes from its legs.
Capricorn the goat a mountain animal climbing rocky terrain its strength comes from the knees. Capricorn governs the knees and circulation. Circulation runs throughout the entire body along with the life force.
Aquarius the water bearer maintains the back and legs supporting the previous signs.
Pisces the fish, up stream down stream.  Opposite motion as the feet are left and right hence Pisces has dominion over the feet.     
As above so below we are part of the cosmos and their attributes reflect not only in our spiritual make up but our physiology as well.  Each zodiac sign is supportive of the other.

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