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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

First Black Secret Service Agent, Abraham Bolden, Speaks Out On BEing Fr...

Talk about shock and awe; an African American Secret Service Agent.  And during the John F. Kennedy Administration.  A totally turbulent era with the Civil Rights exploding and exposing the darkest evil imaginable. The infamous JFK assassination still perplexes to this very day with all of the mystery surrounding the events that lead up to that fateful day which still leaves us in a fog of unanswered questions decades later.  Abraham Bolden was a complete and total surprise to me. His courage and strength  fortifies his spirit he knew there was a higher power in play.   His story is enthralling compelling as it grips you at your core.  It's ironic how supposedly thing are said to have changed since this era has passed us by....yet they seemed to have stayed the same as if time itself had stood in place playing over and over cruelties that hate perpetuates all through history.  Listening to this man's story I couldn't help but to reflect on current events of today.  Back then there was no social media to tweet the physical,psychological abuses he was forced to endure.  The degree of persecution he was subject to for being the best in his field of expertise is simply mind boggling almost as mind boggling as Trayvon Martin, Micheal Brown, Freddy Grey, Sandra Brown, and countless injustices.  Our courage and strength fortifies our spirit to move forward through the abhorrent and horrific acts committed by those who abuse authority received under oath...from the lowest levels to the highest, but god is watching.

Always writing for the 3rd eye in another reality of truth

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